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5 Ways to Boost Sales: Be the Guide, not the Hero, in your Customers Story

Writer's picture: Emily CoyEmily Coy

5 ways to boost sales

Running a small business is like being the sidekick in a great story. Your customers are the heroes, and they're on a quest to solve a problem. Your job is to be their trusty guide, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Let's break down how to become the guide in your customer's story.

1. Identify Your Customer's Problem

Before your customer will accept your guidance, you must show you understand the problem they are facing. What challenges are they trying to overcome? By clearly defining their problem, you can position your business as the solution.

2. Position Your Product as the Solution

Your customers are the heroes of their own stories. Your role is to guide them on their journey, not to steal the glory. Use clear and simple language to explain how your product or service can help them achieve their goals and how it is the solution to their problem.

3. Give Your Customer a Plan

Placing an order can feel like a risk to your customer. They may be worried about not getting value for money. Overcome this concern by outlining a simple 3-step plan to buying from you that provides a bridge from problem to solution.

4. Explain the stakes

Outline for your customer the negative impact of not finding a solution to their problem. What issues will that cause in their life? Then outline the positive impact your product will have in solving their problem. What will success look like for them?

5. Offer a Clear Call to Action

What do you want your customers to do next? Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or scheduling a consultation, give them a clear and compelling call to action so they know what to do.

Remember, your customers are the true heroes of the story. By focusing on their needs and desires, you can position your business as the essential guide they need to achieve success.

The ideas in this article are based on concepts from the book ‘How to Grow Your Small Business’ by Donald Miller. Emily Coy is a Certified Business Made Simple Coach and is licensed to use frameworks and content from the book.

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